Crime is Just a Click Away
July 19, 2017
Email scams are all too common these days. An email that looks like it’s from Chase or FedEx asking your to verify your account or track your package, could very well be from a scammer trying to get access to your money or your computer. The article and tips below from fellow AADMM member, Linda Devine, will prove VERY useful for sniffing out the bad emails and sites.
Please remember…if it seems too good to be true, it IS! Trust your gut!
“Emails from illiterate scoundrels hoping to get personal financial information are forever pouring into inboxes. You never see the faces of the people who are trying to rip you off. At times, we cannot avoid contact with crooks lurking in the technological shadows.
People pretending to be a friend or relative try to get you to open attachments that will spread ruinous viruses throughout your computer and ultimately throughout all of society. Using a friend’s address book to send emails begging for money—fast—because they have been mugged, their passport stolen, and are now penniless in Mexico City, Munich or Mozambique.
Tearful tales of woe from deposed wealthy families, convincing you to help them recover their stolen fortunes (by parting with yours).
Perfectly legitimate Web searches can redirect you to sites operated by scammers and hackers. For example, “Exit this page” button on a pop-up ad offering a free phone and being redirected to a graphic porn site.
Unsolicited emails for shady pharmaceuticals website – spammers gain 40 percent commission. If you see “recommended for you” – don’t click on links – go directly to the site.
Emails from a bank requesting you to verify your account information by pressing on the “Click Here” or “Start” box below. They may look legitimate with familiar logo and address information. Tip: Click on the FROM email address and the real culprit’s address will show—not a bank employee’s address. These scammers are usually not in the U.S. and work from around the globe.
How to Avoid an Email Scam:
- Never click or answer strange emails or documents
- Do not answer spam
- Look for the padlocks on sites
- Use spyware, firewall and antivirus programs and keep updated
- With wireless networks, use a router with an encryption mechanism
- Do not click on links–go directly to sites
- Do not use protected sites in wireless cafes and hotel rooms
- Keep ID numbers and passwords off your computer”