So Much To Be Thankful For
December 1, 2017
Looking back on the 2017 calendar year, it’s ever so clear that we at Financial Sense have so much to be thankful for, both professionally and personally.
First and foremost, we appreciate our incredible clients for their unwaivering trust in us. We work everyday to maintaining the highest standard of care with regard to your personal finances.
Further, we are fortunate to work with some wonderful, professional individuals who are tops in their fields of business, making it easy to bring a more holistic approach to how we help our clients.
This comes in two forms…
The first is our ability to connect clients with the best tax, legal, investment, insurance, and real estate experts around. So, to our network of honest, reliable colleagues both near and far, we thank you for taking care of our clients, family and friends this year and every year.
The second is our ability to call on that same network of colleagues to support us through improvements in our methodologies and technologies which allows us to bring a widening range of Daily Money Management services to the table. We are so very grateful for that.
On a personal note, we are thrilled to “have the team back together”, so to speak, as Becca and her husband moved back to Fairfield County from upstate NY in August. They are expecting their first baby on December 30th, so the Financial Sense family will be growing by one in a few weeks time. Please be assured that this will not have a negative impact on the services we offer or the speed with which we respond to requests.
Happy Holidays to you all! We have thoroughly enjoyed working with you this past year!
Keeley, Becca & Patty