Using Your Personal Money Style for Profits and Pleasure
August 2, 2016
Written by Rebecca Feeley
This week I attended a really neat all-day workshop hosted by the lovely Lisa Powers in Skaneateles, NY. It was called “Image, Income & Influence: Using Your Personal Money Style for Profits and Pleasure.” Lisa is a certified Sacred Money Archetypes coach. The first exercise of the day was to take a quick test to identify our personal money archetypes. Then, Lisa taught us how to employ the strengths and weaknesses of that archetype to succeed in business and in life. Here are a few key things that I learned:
- The 8 Sacred Money Archetypes are: Accumulator, Alchemist, Ruler, Celebrity, Romantic, Connector, Maverick, & Nurturer.
- My primary money archetype is “Accumulator”. This isn’t surprising considering that of the 8 money archetypes, the Accumulator is the most in-tune with dollars and cents. One of the descriptors is “you feel a great emotional connection – love, joy, happiness – about saving money.” Isn’t that the truth! And I love helping others save their money too!
- Certain money archetypes/personalities are best suited for different facets of business. For instance, the Ruler, whose strengths are courage, vision, and determination, is best suited for a Marketing role. The Connector, whose strengths are trust, innocence, and resilience, is best suited for relationship building and networking. Being that we at Financial Sense are a team of only 3, I often find myself wearing several hats. With this new knowledge, I can choose to focus on the gifts of my secondary and tertiary money archetypes in order to succeed in the many roles that I play at work.
- Finally, Lisa’s 3 minute daily routine tip was to maintain a money tracking sheet. The idea is to keep track of monetary in-flows for every single day of the month. It’s an easy task that keeps you accountable for your financial success on a daily basis. I will certainly be giving this a try.j
At the workshop, I learned how to play into my strengths and overcome my challenges in order to be my best money self! Thanks, Lisa!