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The Top 5 Benefits of a Daily Money Manager

a professional teaching another person about financial reports

The term “Daily Money Manager” is still relatively new to the financial universe. Often, people know they have stress around their personal finances and they take to Google, but they don’t really even know what they’re searching for or if there’s someone who can help. Below, I outline the top 5 benefits of a daily…

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Moms in Finance

Illustration of a professional woman speaking to a man and a woman. A lightbulb icon is between them.

Written by Rebecca Feeley This Mother’s Day, I’m remembering back to the 90s when founder of Financial Sense, Keeley Kriskey (my own Mom), courageously left her stable corporate banking career in pursuit of entrepreneurship…to be one of the few moms in finance at the time. Setting the Stage It’s 1996, my brother I are 10…

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How do I manage my bills while traveling?

care free traveling on motor yacht

  Whether you’re a child-free world traveler, a fully remote employee, a serial vacationer, or a retired snow bird, you all likely have something in common: the stress of managing bills and payments while you’re traveling. Ok, maybe you’ve got most of your bills set-up for autopay. But what about the medical bill in your…

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